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Championing Diversity: Launching YBI’s Gender Inclusivity Resources

  • Wednesday, 25th October 2023

As part of our Inclusivity Month, we are excited to introduce our new Toolkit for Gender Inclusivity, which is available to all YBI members. This comprehensive resource has been collaboratively developed with Catalystas Consulting and six of our members (BYSTBYEAHMicroLabMebala Youth StudiosETIC and Habitat) and offers practical insights to enhance the gender inclusivity of your organisation and improve the effectiveness of your programmes. The toolkit includes a self-assessment tool and 16 sections designed for members to delve into and reflect on gender inclusion both at the organisational and programmatic levels. Each section consists of a set of guiding questions, a list of tips and a checklist. Within each section, members will also find a list of external resources for those seeking an in-depth exploration of the topics covered.

In this session, together with Catalystas Consulting, we will explore what gender inclusivity means and what it looks like in practice. We will also present the toolkit in more detail, and you’ll hear from fellow members about their experiences creating the toolkit.

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