Privacy Policy


To act in accordance with new EU legislation, websites must now gain consent for the use of cookies. The law requiring websites to gain consent before storing cookies on computers was passed in May 2011 but the ICO granted companies a year to comply before prosecuting any cases. Put simply, the law requires us to gain consent before we start dropping cookies on your computer. By using this website you consent to the use of cookies. Big providers of web services such as Facebook and Google liberally use cookies to make their services work, track user behaviour, sell us things and personalise our browsing experience. They are necessary and they are helpful. The legislation was brought in to begin to inhibit the reach of corporate interests into private lives. To enhance our users’ browsing experience, we like to know how people, like you, use our website. We use Google Analytics, which is estimated to run on 90% of websites. As an entirely cookie-based analytics solution it is not compliant with the legislation without the provision of explicit consent by website users. And this is why we ask.


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When you request information from YBI, sign up to any of our services or buy things from us, YBI obtains information about you. This statement explains how we look after that information and what we do with it. We have a legal duty under the Data Protection Act to prevent your information falling into the wrong hands. We must also ensure that the data we hold is accurate, adequate, relevant and not excessive. Normally the only information we hold comes directly from you. Whenever we collect information from you, we will make it clear which information is required in order to provide you with the information, service or goods you need. You do not have to provide us with any additional information unless you choose to. We store your information securely on our computer system, we restrict access to those who have a need to know, and we train our staff in handling the information securely. If you have signed up to an event or other service we will also pass your details to the professional worker providing that service. That worker may hold additional information about your participation in these activities. We would also like to contact you in future to tell you about other services we provide, to keep you informed of what we are doing and ways in which you might like to support YBI. You have the right to ask us not to contact you in this way. We will always aim to provide a clear method for you to opt out. You can also contact us directly at any time to tell us not to send you any future marketing material. Very occasionally we may carry out a joint mailing with carefully selected other organisations, in order to tell you about products and services we think you might be interested in. Again, you have the right to opt out of this. You have the right to a copy of all the information we hold about you (apart from a very few things which we may be obliged to withhold because they concern other people as well as you). To obtain a copy, either ask for an application form to be sent to you, or write to the Data Protection Officer at YBI. We aim to reply as promptly as we can and, in any case, within 1 month.

Those who make it possible

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Hogan Lovells

Hogan Lovells

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)