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Learning Lab: Virtual Delivery Series

  • Tuesday, 9th May 2023 - Tuesday, 5th September 2023


We are launching a new Virtual Delivery Sessions, consisting of four 1-hour Learning Labs designed for our members to build their online facilitation skills.

To register please click on the session you are interested in. We highly recommend attending all the sessions.

Learning Lab: Being at your best online 

Date: 09/05/2023

Time: 9 – 10 am (BST)

In any training course, the way the facilitator or trainer looks, sounds and behaves has a huge impact on the engagement of the participants and therefore on the success of the course. In virtual sessions, we are often too busy focusing on the technology to think about how we are being perceived. In this session, we will explore how you can increase your personal impact online so that you look and sound both confident and engaging. We will also investigate ways we can improve our mindset around virtual delivery, making us feel more confident on the inside and so seem more in-control on the outside.

THIS SESSION IS CLOSED. You can watch the recording of the session HERE.

Learning Lab: Designing online courses

Date: 27/06/2023

Time: 9 – 10 am (BST)

Many of the principles for designing powerful learning experiences remain the same for both virtual and in-person delivery. However, there are a number of specific areas unique to the virtual environment that we must consider when designing a programme in order to make sure our participants feel included and remain engaged. We will explore areas such as accessibility, group size, timings and the human attention span among other considerations in this session, to help you design virtual programmes that work for everyone.

THIS SESSION IS CLOSED. You can watch the recording of the session HERE.

Learning Lab: Keeping your participants engaged

Date: 11/07/2023

Time: 9 – 10 am (BST)

When delivering virtually, we have much less control over our participants’ focus than we do in a physical environment. Moreover, our participants are exposed to more distractions when engaging virtually – emails and IMs coming in, family life happening around them, and simple screen-fatigue to name a few. But there are measures we can take as virtual facilitators to increase our participants’ motivation to remain engaged throughout the session. We will explore what we can do pre-emptively before the course and reactively during the course to maintain engagement and therefore maximise the benefit to our participants.

THIS SESSION IS CLOSED. You can watch the recording of the session HERE.

Learning Lab: Knowing your online tools

Date: 05/09/2023

Time: 9 – 10 am (BST)

Just as facilitators in the physical environment must master the tools of their trade – flipcharts, whiteboards, sticky notes, projectors, etc. – virtual facilitators have a responsibility to become masters of their online tools, in order to create a smooth learning experience for their participants. Furthermore, when we become proficient with the tools and platforms we use online, we feel more confident, are more resilient to unforeseen challenges, and have more capacity to focus on our participants. In this session we will briefly compare some of the popular platforms for virtual delivery, and also look at some different tools available to help increase interactivity and maintain engagement.

THIS SESSION IS CLOSED. You can watch the recording of the session HERE.

If you have any queries, please contact our Membership Services & Engagement Coordinator, Rosie Smith.