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Membership Onboarding: Getting The Most From Your YBI Membership

  • Tuesday, 12th September 2023

​​This is the first of our new YBI membership series, and we are delighted to invite you to get more from your YBI membership! This webinar is focused on ensuring you are maximising your YBI membership. We will provide some time to meet other new YBI members. We will walk you through all things YBI, where to find everything and how things work.   

The Date & Time of the Session

​​Tuesday 12th September  at ​9am – 10am (BST).

Who is the Training Designed for? 

It is mainly aimed at our newest members but all members are very welcome and may find it helpful.​ 

What Will the Attendee Gain from the Training?

​​A better understanding of YBI and what’s involved in membership​.

Please note: this 1-hour Zoom session will be held in English​.

If you need further information please contact Freya Bottomley ​ by email.

Registration for this event has closed.