Supporting displaced Ukrainians in Poland

YBI and Youth Business Poland's emergency support programme to support displaced Ukrainians in Poland as part of Futuremakers by Standard Chartered

Supporting displaced Ukranians in Poland

YBI and its member Youth Business Poland implemented project as part of Futuremakers by Standard Chartered to support displaced Ukrainians in Poland.

YBI worked with its member Youth Business Poland (YBP) on BEST (Business Employability Skills Training), a career readiness and entrepreneurship project, part of Futuremakers by Standard Chartered, the Bank’s global initiative to tackle inequality by promoting economic inclusion for disadvantaged people across the Bank’s markets. The BEST by Futuremakers project launched in June 2022 and has reached 11 000 participants in its first phase. It has been extended until the end of June 2024. Implemented by YBP with support from YBI and funding from Standard Chartered Foundation, the project provided professional and business development support through incubation programmes, advanced webinars, and advisory services. Building on the emergency support provided in the first phase of the project, the second phase provided more tailored, targeted solutions for young entrepreneurs who have established their business in Poland and are looking to continue its sustainable growth. 

Programme Overview

The project was delivered by YBI and YBP in cooperation with Ukrainian House and was funded by Standard Chartered Foundation as part of Futuremakers by Standard Chartered. It aimed to support Ukrainians looking for work, those who wanted to re-start their business or wanted to start a business for the first time to access entrepreneurship. Participants were offered mentoring, advisory services, webinars, networking meetings and a database of entrepreneurship and employment information. Additional support was provided to foster social cohesion, help to overcome language and cultural barriers to ensure a better quality of life. Supporting participants to access livelihoods directly contributes to their safety and security and an increase in the quality of life of the families who have come to Poland.

As part of the extension, we introduced an incubator programme for existing businesses into the project. It supported participants with creating and managing stable enterprises that can generate employment opportunities and grow dynamically. Upon completing the programme, participants gained the confidence and tools they need to turn their ideas into a thriving business, leaving them well-positioned for long-term success. Participants received intensive training on business management, followed by mentoring opportunities, enabling them to effectively implement the knowledge and skills gained throughout the programme’s duration.

Special emphasis was placed on providing services that acknowledge and are designed specifically to address the time constraints of women while they balance starting a business and providing for their family. In order to foster social cohesion between newly arrived Ukrainians and host communities in Poland, the project ensured that underserved local communities could also access trainings and advisory services.

Standard Chartered employees in Poland supported delivery of the project as part of the Bank’s employee volunteering programme which, in 2022, provided each employee with five days of paid leave to support charitable causes in their communities.

Programme Activities

  • SOS Mentoring: Assistance, emotional support, encouragement, and actionable resources were offered to individuals seeking help in job hunting or entrepreneurship through trained coaches and mentors.
  • Individual Consultations: Individuals received expertise on topics such as job hunting, recruitment, legal matters, accounting, taxation, finance, and business advisory services.
  • Database of Knowledge: A database comprising of valuable links, informative articles, relevant information, videos, and recordings in Ukrainian was accessible to all those seeking further information.
  • Business Mixers: A series of meetings aimed at promoting integration between migrants and the Polish community. Successful migrant business owners in Poland were invited to share their experiences, along with experts in fields such as IT/marketing, career development, law, and rights.
  • Business and Educational Webinars: These webinars covered topics such as finding jobs in various industries, obtaining funds for business development, building ecommerce businesses, and career development and recruitment.
  • Incubator programme for 50 existing business looking to grow: The goal of the incubator was to support participants in creating and managing stable companies that can generate employment opportunities and grow dynamically. By completing the programme, participants gained the confidence and tools they need to turn their ideas into a thriving business, making them well-positioned for long-term success.

Success Stories

Polina Khlibanovska


Polina Khlibanovska is the founder of Smart Kindengarten in Warsaw a bussiness she set up after fleeing the war in Ukraine.

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Hogan Lovells

Hogan Lovells

Standard Chartered Foundation

Standard Chartered Foundation

JPMorgan Chase & Co

JPMorgan Chase & Co

