Corporación Minuto de Dios


About Corporación Minuto de Dios 

Corporación Minuto de Dios (CMD) was established in 1954 and is one of eight entities that make up the Organización Minuto de Dios, which supports deprived communities across Colombia in areas including social housing, education, culture, rural and environmental development, social financing and social development.

CMD has worked in enterprise development since 1994, supporting over 15,700 entrepreneurs and businesses across different programmes and projects. Responding to the lack of joined-up, targeted support for aspiring young entrepreneurs from low-income communities in Colombia, Youth Business International and CMD are working together to develop a dedicated youth entrepreneurship intervention for this demographic, building on the methodology and network of CMD, and combined with the experience, tools and contacts from the global YBI network.

Contact details

73A-22, Calle 81A, Bogota, Colombia Directions

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