KIZ Sinnova


About KIZ Sinnova

KIZ helps young people successfully master their first steps into self-employment and entrepreneurship.

Youth Business Germany (YBG) is an initiative set up by KIZ  (Communication and Innovation Centre), the expert when it comes to self-employment or career change in Germany. People who decided to become self-employed, regardless their background or social status, have to overcome many obstacles and challenges. KIZ provides experts, experience, and know-how to everyone who is willing to start a business. Especially young entrepreneurs, who often suffer from a small network, little know-how, and expertise, are supported with a 12 month scholarship. Within these 12 months they learn to use the basic entrepreneurial tools, have access to the YBG network and are individually mentored by an experienced business mentor.

Founded in 1997,  KIZ helps different types of target groups (women, people over 50 years old, long-term unemployed, young people) to find their way (back) into the labour market. They often encourage and support them to start their own business.

Contact details

Hermann-Steinhäuser-Straße 43-47Offenbach am Main63065Germany, Offenbach am Main, 63065, Germany Directions

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