NyföretagarCentrum Sverige


About NyföretagarCentrum Sverige 

NyföretagarCentrum is a not-for-profit organisation aiming to help new entrepreneurs to start new viable businesses. Since 1986, NyföretagarCentrum  is the largest and the leading organisation providing individual start-up information, counselling, training and mentoring to approx 16,000 people annually all over Sweden, helping 7,000 to actually start. Every year, between 550 and 600 entrepreneurs are provided with a voluntary mentor for twelve months.

NyföretagarCentrum also arranges fairs and events to stimulate entrepreneurship and there are special programs for supporting migrants, refugees and young entrepreneurs who wants to start a business.

Contact details

Ferkens Grands 3, Stockholm, 11130, Sweden Directions

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