
April is Green and Social Month at YBI

YBI dedicates April to championing young entrepreneurs solving the greatest environmental and social challenges of our time.

Youth Business International (YBI) is dedicating April to championing young green and social entrepreneurs whose businesses deliver environmental or social impact and address the challenges in the world they see around them. Throughout the month, YBI will be sharing their stories and insights from members of its Global Network who support them.

Increasing numbers of young entrepreneurs are motivated to focus on profit with purpose. They are creating greener businesses, promoting more responsible working practices and generating a significant boost to the economy, but only if they are given the right support to start up and grow their business.

During Green and Social Month, YBI will stage four events to leverage its Global Network’s expertise and experience in supporting young entrepreneurs. Key topics will be explored to better understand how best to support young green and social entrepreneurs.

Anita Tiessen, CEO of Youth Business International, said:

“At YBI, we believe green and social entrepreneurship can unlock the potential of young people as agents and leaders of change, creating vital economic and employment opportunities in the process. It continues to be our ambition to provide these green and social young entrepreneurs with the support they need to grow and sustain their businesses and we are on a journey with our global network to develop the most effective approaches, methodologies and tools to achieve this goal.”  

 Follow YBI on its social channels throughout April to find out more.

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