
Deepening knowledge within the network with the new Member Learning Exchange Scheme

As applications close on Youth Business International’s (YBI) newest product, we are happy to report that nearly half of our membership will be participating in the Member Learning Exchange Scheme. This new initiative will give members the opportunity for deep-dive learning and collaboration through a funded ‘study visit’ to spend three days in the offices and company of another YBI member.

The participating members from 20 countries and five continents will be pursuing a range of learning goals during their visits, such as supporting social and green entrepreneurs through mentorship and applying existing training programmes in new contexts. We know that our members benefit from sharing their unique expertise on youth entrepreneurship and the scheme is an opportunity to deepen connections and explore new ways to collaborate.

The first member exchange will take place in November 2023 with Sky’s The Limit, based in the USA, visiting Futurpreneur Canada to explore how they can better support Indigenous young entrepreneurs. YBI is currently working with Futurpreneur, in collaboration with Indigenous community leaders and entrepreneurs, to produce an all-new informative series dedicated to the financial empowerment of young Indigenous adults. The programme is supported by Accentureas part of its investment in a more equitable future through its Skills to Succeed initiative. During the exchange, the two members will share challenges and successes and explore how they might better support Indigenous entrepreneurs.

YBI will be sharing some of the learnings and highlights from the Member Learning Exchange Scheme in the coming months.

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