
Results from the first edition of the YBI Member Learning Exchange Scheme

In late 2023, Youth Business International (YBI) launched a new initiative for members. The Member Learning Exchange Scheme was developed to foster peer-to-peer connection, learning and collaboration internationally. This new initiative gives our members the opportunity for deep-dive learning and collaboration through a ‘study visit’ to another YBI member, scaling learning across our network. The initiative proved very popular with 20 member organisations taking part in the programme either as visitors or hosts from November 2023 – March 2024. 

Participating members and countries

These are the visits that took part in the first edition of the programme: 

  • Sky’s the Limit (USA) to Futurpreneur (Canada)
  • Development Solutions (Mongolia) to BYST (India) and B’YEAH (Bangladesh)  
  • SOMO (Kenya) to Habitat (Turkey)  
  • SVF (Vietnam) to SOMO (Kenya)  
  • ONOW (Myanmar) to SVF (Vietnam)  
  • Fundacion Paraguaya (Paraguay) to Youth Business Spain  
  • Cordaid (Uganda) & Ideialab (Mozambique) to FATE Foundation (Nigeria)  
  • Accion Emprendedora (Chile), ETIC (Japan) & Habitat (Turkey) to Hatch (UK)  
  • Youth Business Spain to NyforetagarCentrum (Sweden)  
  • Hatch (UK) to Sky’s the Limit (USA)  
  • Mebala (Botswana) to YCAB (Indonesia)  
  • FATE Foundation (Nigeria) to ONOW (Myanmar) 

Learning objectives

The aims of the exchange visits included topics such as developing digital platforms; exploring financing and mentoring services for digital, social and green entrepreneurs; combining enterprise support with grant funding; embedding inclusivity in services; developing monitoring and evaluation; and developing indigenous entrepreneurship programmes. 

Exchange outcomes are wide-ranging and have resulted in new and strengthened relationships that have the potential to lead to long-term developments. Members are continuing to support each other and exchange knowledge months after their visits.

“A transformative journey of shared knowledge and collaboration, our visit to Hatch Enterprise illuminated new pathways for empowering under-represented entrepreneurs. Through this exchange, we’ve unlocked invaluable insights, fuelling our collective mission to drive positive change within our communities.”

Habitat (Turkey) on their exchange with Hatch Enterprise (UK) 

Join our second exchange

We will launch a second edition of the programme in October 2024, during the Global Youth Entrepreneurship Summit in Kenya, for trips to take place in 2025. YBI Members should keep an eye out if they want to take advantage of this amazing opportunity, either as a visitor or as a host.

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