
Watch: Key Insights and Highlights from the Global Youth Entrepreneurship Summit 2024

“We are building a growing, dynamic, and inclusive network of enterprise support organisations,” highlights YBI’s CEO Anita Tiessen in her opening address at the Global Youth Entrepreneurship Summit (GYES) 2024. “Our foundation, our strength, lies in our network. It lies in all of you.”

As seen in the highlights from the event, the 2024 Summit served as a pivotal moment for fostering connection and collaboration among the global network of enterprise support organisations as well as the 40 young entrepreneurs who attended, and the host of institutions, donors and other organisations who drive the ecosystem. 2024’s GYES was hosted in the beautiful city of Nairobi, Kenya and the event was characterised by Kenyan and African culture being showcased throughout.  As always, the Summit underscored the camaraderie and shared purpose of its attendees. Our members demonstrated an unwavering commitment and together conceived practical actions to enhance the ecosystem that enables young entrepreneurs to thrive.

In the video below, YBI members, partners, staff, and young entrepreneurs share their perspectives on the event. The Global Youth Entrepreneurship Summit, the only global gathering of its kind dedicated to youth entrepreneurship, continues to drive collective action toward shared objectives.

This year’s Summit focused on the theme of shaping the future of youth entrepreneurship. The video explores the network’s unified dedication to addressing pressing global challenges and creating a transformative impact through youth entrepreneurship.

We extend our sincere gratitude to all attendees who contributed their experiences and insights, as highlighted in the video above. We look forward to welcoming you to the next Summit and continuing this vital work together.

In the meantime, please feel free to share the above video highlights with your network and continue the conversation around this entrepreneurial generation for change.

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