Effectuation and its application in youth entrepreneurship training

Learning papers

In 2018, Youth Business International (YBI) commissioned a series of research studies, Insights for Success, to gather learnings on priority themes in order to inform the work of the YBI network and share this with others supporting young entrepreneurs globally.

Gathering evidence and knowledge from YBI member organisations, the young entrepreneurs they work with, and other relevant sources, the papers provide learning and recommendations to improve the programmatic and organisational effectiveness of the youth entrepreneurship sector.

This paper sheds new light on the effectuation methodology and its role in entrepreneurship training, as applied by Aliança Empreendedora, YBI’s member in Brazil. 

We hope this piece of work will be a valuable contribution to global learning on this topic and help shape more impactful training programme design so that in future even greater numbers of underserved young people can successfully develop themselves and their businesses.

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Policy Papers

Policy Paper: Incentivizing and supporting green and social business models among young entrepreneurs to advance the Sustainable Development Goals


Youth Business International and Global Entrepreneurship Network Youth Entrepreneurship Trends and Policy Framework


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