An extension of our successful initiative Seeking Economic Empowerment and Resilience for Refugees and Migrants (SEER) supported by Accenture; the initiative provides vital support to young migrants and refugees (aged between 18-35 years old) across Europe. The new 12-month programme will support over 1,000 young people in Germany, France, Sweden and Ireland to start or grow their business.
The new programme will run over 12 months and be delivered in partnership with four members of the YBI Network (KIZ, Germany; ICE, Ireland; Positiv, France and NyföretagarCentrum, Sweden).
By providing essential guidance, skills training, and access to relevant resources, the Seeking Economic Empowerment and Resilience for Refugees and Migrants programme extension aims to equip over 1,000 young people with the confidence, connections and entrepreneurial abilities needed to successfully launch or expand their businesses