
YBI launches Empower and Elevate Programme to support inclusive youth-led businesses that create jobs

Youth Business International (YBI) is pleased to launch Empower and Elevate – Enabling Inclusive Futures, a new programme to equip young entrepreneurs in Brazil, Poland, Türkiye and the UK with the tools and resources they need to grow and scale their business and create jobs and economic growth in their communities.

The programme will contribute to YBI’s commitment to supporting diverse young entrepreneurs and enable a more inclusive entrepreneurial ecosystem. Priority will be given to supporting typically marginalised young entrepreneurs, including women, people with disabilities, refugees and migrants, young people belonging to minority communities, and those from rural or low-income backgrounds. Funded by Standard Chartered Foundation as part of Futuremakers by Standard Chartered, the programme consists of four projects, implemented by our members Aliança Empreendedora (Brazil), Habitat (Türkiye), The School for Social Entrepreneurs (SSE) (UK), and Youth Business Poland (YBP).

Aliança Empreendedora’s project aims to empower and train 1,500 underserved young entrepreneurs in Brazil. This includes providing intensive acceleration training to 300 participants to help them build thriving, resilient businesses that create jobs and prosperity for their communities.

Habitat’s project aims to support 672 underserved young entrepreneurs in Türkiye, including those living and working in earthquake-affected areas. Project activities will cater to both early-stage and more established youth-led businesses and contribute to building a thriving entrepreneurial community.

The School for Social Entrepreneurs’ (SSE) project aims to support 60 underserved young female entrepreneurs in the UK operating in challenging markets to enhance sustainability, resilience and enterprise growth. Participants will receive vital support to develop the skills, strengths, and networks required to grow purpose-led micro enterprises and create jobs for underserved communities.

Youth Business Poland’s (YBP) project aims to support 400 young entrepreneurs, particularly women, migrants, and those dedicated to making a positive social or environmental impact through their business. Selected participants will go through an intensive and customised business accelerator.

In addition to the four member-led projects, YBI will lead on developing resources for members to improve their support around financial health for young entrepreneurs, including financial literacy and access. This will include a diagnostic financial health tool, co-developed with experts and the four programme members to help enterprise support organisations (ESOs) identify gaps and areas for improvement based on their unique contexts and curriculum. The tool will determine how to incorporate and improve the provision of financial health services to empower young entrepreneurs to become confident and resilient in their business finances.

By supporting over 2,600 young entrepreneurs to build and scale successful businesses that create jobs, the Empower and Elevate programme will contribute to YBI’s ambition to support the start-up and growth of 250,000 youth-led businesses and create one million jobs by 2025.

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